Is My Dog Constipated?

Constipation is one of the most common digestive issues in dogs. Below are some tips to identify constipation and what to do if you think your pup is constipated.


A clear sign your pal is constipated is if they have not had any bowel movement for at least two days. Additionally, if your pooch passes dry and hard stool, is straining, crouching, or whining when going potty.


If you notice any symptoms of constipation, see your vet as soon as you can! Symptoms of constipation may indicate other health issues.

Treatment will depend on the cause of constipation. So, your vet will examine your furry friend for indications of the cause of their discomfort. Then, the best course of treatment will be recommended once the cause has been determined.

Common treatments include laxatives, medication, an increase in fiber, or an increase in exercise. Surgery may be needed if your pal has ingested an object causing constipation.

If you need immediate help, talk to a vet 24/7 with this help hotline.


There are many reasons why your pup might be constipated but some of the most common reasons in dogs include:

  • ingested objects (toys, dirt, grass, fabric)
  • insufficient amount of fiber
  • dehydration
  • ingested hair (from excessive self-grooming)
  • insufficient amount of exercise (be sure they are going on enough walks)
  • pain from orthopedic issues
  • tumors or masses

Now that you know the causes, you can better prevent constipation in your four-legged friend. Additionally, be alert for any of the symptoms mentioned above so you can seek care immediately.