The Best Dog Treats of 2022

There are endless choices of dog treats which can become overwhelming. Below are our top pics for all types of needs your pup may have!

Dental Treat

Dental health is so important and dental treats make maintaining it even easier. Greenies help to get rid of food that gets stuck between the teeth. Additionally, they help to prevent tartar buildup and taste great!

Training Treat

Training treats should be low cost and low calorie to reward behavior as you are training your pal. Charlee Bear dog treats are great when used as a reward system! They contain only 5 ingredients and come in multiple flavors that your pal will love!

Minimally Processed

Treats with simple ingredients are great to ensure that our companions are eating whole, natural foods. BondVet makes chicken, beef, and turkey treats with only one ingredient. These can be given to your pup whole to keep them busy, or torn into smaller pieces to be used for training.

Teething Treats

Teething treats keep your new furry friend from chewing on everything in sight. Additionally, they keep them busy while also being full of nutrients. Best Bully Sticks are soft enough for your pup to chew on. Also, they are great for your companion’s teeth and gums. However, the smaller the stick gets, it becomes a choking hazard and the more likely they are to swallow it. So, keep an eye on your rambunctious little friend!

Overall Treat

Ziwi dog treats are 96% meat! Additionally, they are a great option for pups with sensitive tummies and allergies because they contain a single protein. Ziwi treats are available in beef, lamb, and benison. Even better, they are grain free and have no added fillers.

Having good quality treats that meet your pup’s needs is so important! However, most important is finding a treat that fido loves too! Use this guide to find the treat that is best for your furry friend!