Are Tennis Balls Safe for Dogs?

Are Tennis Balls Safe for Dogs?

When you think of a dog toy, you probably picture a bright and fuzzy tennis ball. But are they actually good for your dog?

It turns out that unfortunately, tennis balls come with some risks that many owners are not even aware of. Follow along and decide if a tennis ball is a good toy for your dog.

Tennis Balls Have Risks?

Choking Hazard

The most prominent danger a tennis ball could pose to a dog would be choking. Larger dogs that play with tennis balls often have the ability to rip up the tennis ball. Some of these shreds could be easily consumed by your dog. As tennis balls are made of a fuzzy covering and rubber, they are not easily digestible. Tiny pieces can get stuck in your dog’s digestive tract leading to an emergency that could require surgery.

Some big dog breeds are even capable of swallowing a whole tennis ball, without even shredding it! This too can lead to very serious medical concerns, choking, or contracted breathing.

Dental Damage

The abrasive covering on a tennis ball can wear down a pooch’s teeth overtime. It is even possible to see shaped grooves on a dog’s teeth if they chew on tennis balls for a long period of time.

This can cause a dog immense pain, just like when humans have tooth pain! It can even make it difficult for your dog to eat if this happens or have their teeth susceptible to breakage.

Tunnel Vision

Some dogs get so entranced during playtime that they don’t notice their surroundings. This is especially true with dog’s who play with tennis balls. Dogs often get caught up in their own excitement that they don’t notice any potential dangers. This could mean that tennis ball playtime could easily turn tragic if your dog is not paying attention to their surroundings, like other animals, people, cars, or even cliffs.

Tennis Ball Benefits

Tennis balls are popular for a reason! People and pets have been playing with them for decades, so there are some great benefits from the toy!

Some of these include:

  • Tennis balls are affordable and accessible
  • They can be thrown long distances for your dog to fetch (in a safe area like a field)
  • They bounce easily and entertain your pup
  • They likely won’t get lost due to their bright colors
  • The cover collects scents, like yours, and your dog can easily track it down
  • Most dogs like being able to chew or squeeze something
  • Tennis balls float so they’re a great addition to the beach or pool

So What’s The Deal, Should I Get My Dog A Tennis Ball?

Tennis balls aren’t inherently dangerous, so it is really up to you to decide if it’s the right toy for your dog. If your vet advises it is okay to use for your dog, then use their input in your decision.

Tennis balls often bring a lot of fun and enrichment to dogs. Although it is important to note the risks, tennis balls bring dogs happiness. If you see fit, you can give your dog a tennis ball to play with, but just monitor them to reduce any risks!

  • Use a tennis ball only for fetch. This will reduce the amount of time they spend just chewing on it.
  • Don’t let them play with it without your supervision, especially in busier areas.
  • Only use tennis balls in enclosed areas like dog parks, clear fields, and your backyard.
  • Throw away balls that look like or are starting to fall apart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Some tennis balls are made specifically for certain breeds.

To end the debate, tennis balls can pose a risk to your dog, but with proper supervision and precautions, it is most likely okay to give your dog playtime with their favorite toy!