Signs Your Dog Has A UTI

Signs Your Dog Has a UTI

Just like humans, dogs can develop UTIs. So, read below to learn the signs that your dog has a UTI.

What is a UTI?

UTI strand for urinary tract infection. It is often caused by bacterial infection of E. Coli when GI tract flora gets past the urinary tract’s defenses. This infection causes inflammation and even bladder stones. Additionally, female dogs are more likely to get UTIs, but male dogs get them too!


As we mentioned, bacteria from your dogs’s skin or poop typically move through the genitals and spread to the bladder and kidneys. Additionally, dogs with other health problems, such as kidney disease, Cushing’s disease, and diabetes, are more likely to develop an infection.


Signs and symptoms of a UTI in your dog include:

  • frequent need to urinate, but little comes out
  • straining to urinate
  • crying or whining during urination
  • bloody/cloudy urine
  • peeing in the house
  • leaking urine
  • licking genitals

If the UTI has spread to the kidneys, your dog may experience:

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • abdominal pain
  • vomiting

If you know what to look for, you can more easily identify a UTI infection in your furry friend. So, familiarize yourself with the symptoms above and note any strange behavior your companion may exhibit.


Firstly, never treat your canine with medications intended for people. Second, schedule an appointment with your vet so they can examine your pal and run tests. Treatment for a UTI often involves the prescription of antibiotics. Additionally, the best way to prevent a UTI from returning is to provide plenty of fresh water and potty breaks for your companion. However, if your four-legged friend frequently gets UTIs, you may consider talking with your vet about giving them cranberry and vitamin C supplements. Or, your vet may recommend additional testing to determine the cause of chronic UTIs.

Follow the guide above to identify symptoms, causes, and treatment of a urinary tract infection in your canine companion!