Is Dry Shampoo Safe for Dogs?

If you’re a seasoned pet parent, you probably actively search for tricks and hacks to make grooming easier. We get it! In searching for shortcuts around the issue, you might wonder what human products work for dogs. For the most part, you should assume that human products are not safe and instead search for a canine-approved product. Dry shampoo is a great example!

Can I use my product on Fido?

No. Using your own dry shampoo on dog hair is not a good plan. Most of our aerosol products contain chemicals that can be quite harmful to dogs. However, there are tons of products on the market targeted specifically for canines and are entirely pet-safe. These products cut out those toxic chemicals and replace them with holistic, natural ingredients that can soothe their skin. 

Why Should I Use Dry Shampoo?

Using dry shampoo can come in handy when your pet need accommodations for illness, sensitivity, or behavior. For example, post-surgery baths can be painful for your pet, so you might search for a dry shampoo instead to provide comfort. Likewise, it can be easier to give Bingo a good spritz instead of wrestling with him and his hyperactivity. 

Dry Shampoos For Dogs

You might find yourself overwhelmed with how many options you have. To choose the right product, you have to keep in mind any dog’s sensitivities. Read the ingredients and avoid anything that might irritate your pet’s skin. Choose one that fits his needs while also staying within your budget. These are good, affordable options. 

Dry Clean Spray Shampoo by Pet Head

This product has an eco-friendly formula, especially for dogs, out of pet-friendly ingredients. It’s paraben-, sulfate-and DEA-free, meaning that your buddy’s skin will never get irritated. Plus, it smells like blueberry muffins!

Dog Wash Dog Shampoo

Dog Wash has a much simpler formula, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t just as good! This product contains the perfect mix of green tea extract, chamomile, and rosemary oil, perfect for soothing and repairing your dog’s skin and coat. It’s gentle and can be used frequently for particularly stinky pets. 

Dry Dog Shampoo by Paw Choice

If your pet has long hair, this dry mousse is perfect for you. It’s designed to remove the odor particles instead of masking them like most other options. Its coconut base mixes perfectly with a list of luxury ingredients that will leave your dog smelling and feeling fabulous. 

Grooming is necessary no matter what. It keeps your pet looking and feeling amazing and can protect them from getting sick. If dry shampoo helps make that process more accessible, please do some more research! Or, you can look through our list of the best shampoo and conditioners.