Making Your Dog Their Own Thanksgiving Plate

Thanksgiving is all about the food! Fido can’t eat everything we can because it can be dangerous. However, read below to know what foods your companion can eat on Thanksgiving.

What to Include

Thanksgiving dishes are made of dog-friendly ingredients. However, be aware of seasonings and add-ons. Things such as butter, salt, milk, and other seasonings should be excluded from your pal’s plate. So, set aside the following foods for your pup before adding the finishing touches to your feast! There are plenty of other dog-safe foods you can prepare for your pup that is not necessarily Thanksgiving-related.

  • Plain turkey
  • plain green beans
  • Plain pumpkin puree
  • boiled, plain sweet potatoes
  • Baked or boiled plain potatoes

However, there are plenty of other dog-safe foods you can prepare for your pup that is not necessarily Thanksgiving-related.

What to Avoid

If the food you prepared has any additional ingredients or seasonings such as butter, salt, or milk, keep it away from Fido. Additionally, don’t give your four-legged friend turkey skin or bones. This extra fat can be dangerous and the bones pose an intestinal hazard. Keep the items listed below off Fido’s plate this Thanksgiving.

  • Bones
  • salt
  • grapes and raisins
  • onions and garlic (raw, cooked, or powdered)
  • sweets and artificial sweeteners

How to Achieve a Safe Thanksgiving

Be sure to tell your guests what foods your companion is allowed and not allowed to eat. Though your friends and family have the best intentions, they may sneak your pal a treat without knowing the dangers. It can be hard to deny those puppy-dog eyes but stay strong! You want to avoid a trip to the vet this holiday.

Additionally, keep your pal out of the kitchen while cooking and the dining room while eating. Also, put away leftovers and take out the trash to ensure that Fido doesn’t find a dangerous snack.

You don’t have to leave your companion out of the Thanksgiving festivities! Follow the list above to give your pal a delicious and safe Thanksgiving feast!