Fun Games To Play With Your Puppy

Fun Games to Play with Your Puppy

Aside from classic games such as fetch and tug, countless fun games to play with your puppy will help them exercise their body and mind. Read below to learn some fun games to play with your little companion!

Puzzle Games

Puzzle games help your furry friend practice their problem-solving skills and reward them for their excellent work. You can purchase puzzle toys with lids, knobs, or drawers that your pal must move or open to retrieve their treats.

Treat Burrito

Creating a treat burrito is a puzzle game that will keep your furry friend busy. Lay a towel out flat, then scatter treats over it. Then, roll the towel up while keeping the treats in place. Your furry friend will have so much fun unrolling the towel to get the yummy treats!

Obedience Training

Training sessions must only take 5-15 minutes to benefit your canine. It will improve their manners and skills while providing mental exercise to provide the proper stimulation they need in addition to physical activity. You can practice heel, sit, lay down, roll over, shake, and anything else you can think of!

Teach Toy Names

Teaching your puppy words in addition to basic commands is fun and impressive to others! You can start by calling out the toy’s name when your puppy takes it. For example, when they take a ball from your hand, say “ball” out loud. Continue to do this until your pal picks up the ball when you call out “ball”!

“Go Find”

You can play this fun game to help your pal learn the names of their toys and other items. With your furry friend watching from their crate, place a toy across the room. Then, tell your puppy to “go find!” the toy. Eventually, they will be trained to do this with any item you please!

Try the games above to keep your growing companion happy and healthy with fun and learning!