Why Is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

Why is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

As a dog parent, you know your canine’s quirky behaviors. But do you know why they do them? So, you can read below to learn why your dog is digging in their bed!

Looking For Shelter

This digging behavior has a history behind it. When dogs lived outside and survived independently, they had to make shelter. So, digging was a way to protect themselves against their environment. While our furry friends aren’t out in the wild and are usually spoiled rotten, that instinct still kicks in!


Another reason your dog may dig in their bed is because they are exploring. There may be a toy or treat under their bed that they are trying to uncover. Your pup may just be having some fun!

Hiding Items

Alternatively, your pal may be trying to hide their belongings as a way to protect them. While it is unlikely that they don’t know where their next meal is coming from or that you will take their toys, it is just instinct taking over!

Boredom and Exercise

Digging is a form of entertainment for some dogs. Especially if you are already asleep, it is a way for them to release energy when they need to play. Plus, it is both physically and mentally stimulating. So, if you notice your pal digging at their bed frequently, they may need more exercise and stimulation to be happy and healthy!


Because digging is a way to exert energy, it is also a way for your pal to reduce anxiety. This is a self-soothing technique that helps them to stay focused on a task. Anxious digging can often wind your pal up rather than calm them down. Plus, it can often become destructive. So, talk with your vet if you are concerned about your pup’s anxious digging.

Check out the reasons above to determine why your canine companion is digging in their bed!