
DIY Halloween-Themed Dog Treats

Our companions cant enjoy the same treats that we do this time of year. So, dog-friendly treats are a must to include our furry friends in the festivities! Below are treat recipes you can make for your pal! No-Bake PB & Pumpkin Treats Not only are these treats no-bake, but they are also grain free!…

A Guide to French Bulldogs

Basics Frenchies are great companion dogs that can weigh between 16 and 28 pounds and have a life span of 11 to 14 years. The breed loves human contact and generally gets along with everyone. However, socialization is important for this breed because they can become territorial over their family. Additionally, Frenchies do well in…

Why Does My Dog Need to Sleep Touching Me

Our pets love to follow us all day, so why not be close at night too? Protective furry friends enjoy trotting along with pet owners as bodyguards whenever they can, but at night when sleeping, they need reassurance their human is okay. Other dogs latch onto their parents at night because they need to receive…

Avoid These Poisonous Landscaping Plants for Dogs

Backyards can be an oasis for everyone, whether it’s all grass for Fido or a vibrant garden for owners, but there are some toxic plants for pet owners to avoid! Dogs are curious creatures that will eat whatever smells good so it is crucial to do research before planting, otherwise you’ll have a season of…

Is Honey Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Yes, honey is safe for dogs to eat. However, just like any other human food, you should consult with your veterinarian and never give more than small amounts. It’s important to keep in mind that dogs’ bodies do not process and react to food substances the same way that humans do, so there is an…

Sleep Disorders in Dogs

Sleep Disorders in Dogs

Most dogs tend to sleep a good amount of time, around 12-14 hours a day. Just like their pet parents, they need to be well-rested in order to function and maintain health. But, did you know that some pups actually have sleep disorders that can cause abnormal patterns of slumber? Here are some common sleep…

Check Out These Fantastic Dog Toy Baskets

Check Out These Fantastic Dog Toy Baskets

Have you ever looked around the room and noticed all your dog’s toys sprawled across the floor? Sometimes keeping your canine companion’s items organized is as hard as it is keeping a toddler tidy. Getting your dog their very own basket can help solve your organizational issue to keep your pooch’s toys, tools, and products…

What Does it Mean to “Curb Your Dog”?

If you live in a bigger city, are visiting, or have just come across signs asking you to “curb your dog”, you may have left scratching your head. If you’re not familiar with the phrase “curbing” and you own a furball, you should probably get to know the rules of “curbing” for future reference! Here’s…

Valentine's Day Outfits for Your Furry Friend

Valentine’s Day Outfits for Your Furry Friend

Once you’ve figured out what Valentine’s Day-themed outfit you’ll wear for the holiday, you’ll need to find something as fashionable for your pooch! Between getting caught up with the chocolate, flowers, and snuggles, your furry friend will need something to wear in your V-Day photo ops. Don’t forget to get your pooch’s measurements before buying…

Everything You Need to Know After Rescuing a Dog from a Hoarding Case

Everything You Need to Know After Rescuing a Dog from a Hoarding Case

Rescuing/adopting dogs can be an extremely rewarding experience, but what if it goes too far? Animal hoarding is a very real problem and it’s often not done on purpose as usually the amount of dogs in the home gets out of control for one family to handle. But, this type of environment can be super…