How to Give Your Dog a Pill

Giving your pal a pill can be a bit of a challenge. Below are some tips for making the process more likable for you and your companion.

Pill Pocket

If the medication can be given with food, a pill pocket, or wrapping the pill in a piece of cheese or lunch meat is great. This trick makes it easier to sneakily give your pal the pill. However, this technique is best for dogs that don’t chew their soft treats. If your pal tends to chew treats, they can bite into the pill, and will make it harder to trick them in the future.

Pill Device

If the pill can not be given with food, it can be a bit more tricky. This is because you must put your fingers in your pal’s mouth to get the pill far enough back on the tongue for them to swallow. So, pill dispensers help to distribute the pill without risking injury to your fingers. To give the pill, place the device behind the hump of your pup’s tongue. Then, close their jaws and stroke their throat downward to encourage swallowing the pill.

Compounded or Liquid

Compound options are available for some medications. This is a flavored or chewable “treat” tablet. This is great for pups that don’t like to swallow pills. However, this can be a more expensive option. Additionally, your vet may not recommend a compound option for some medications because it may disrupt the effectiveness. So, be sure to ask your vet whether a compound drug is recommended in your case.


Giving your companion a pill can be challenging. So, ask a friend or family member to help you. One of your can hold your dog in place while the other distributes the medication. Additionally, you can ask your vet to demonstrate how to give the medication. learning from a professional is fantastic!


Rewarding your pal with a treat after every pill will help make the medication process less stressful. Additionally, try to stay calm even if you are frustrated. If you are upset, your pal will be too.

Follow the tips above to make the pill process smoother for you and your companion! If you need more help, check out this resource!