Celebrating Hanukkah with Your Pup

Celebrating Hanukkah with Your Pup

When celebrating Hanukkah, it’s essential to involve the whole family and your furry friends! We’ve rounded up the best ways to get Fido in the Festival of Lights.

Give Eight Presents

Hannkuh’s eight days and nights are marked by eight days of gift-giving. Get Fido in the holiday spirit by getting them eight gifts! If you’re uncomfortable giving your pup eight separate gifts, you can also give them a treat each night to symbolize their gift. You could also have your pup “gift” eight different presents over the eight days to others, such as their canine or human friends.

Make Holiday Treats

Food is fundamental during Hannukah. However, many of these dishes are unsafe for dogs. Make dog-friendly versions of holiday treats to involve Fido in the holiday. For example, make your pup a plain baked potato instead of a latke. Instead of applesauce, give your pooch apple slices. You can also see if barkeries in your area make dogsafe Hannukah baked goods.

Get doggy costumes

Get your dog a Hannukah costume! This is an easy way to get Fido in the holiday spirit. Many online retailers and pet stores carry dog Hannukah costumes. They can range from headpieces to onesiesĀ  But, if your pup doesn’t like getting dressed up, opt for a themed collar or bandana.

Spin the Doggy Dreidel

Drediels are not dog-friendly. They are often too small and can be a choking hazard for your pup. If Fido feels left out of the festivities, you can gift your pup a plush dreidel! If your pooch is not interested in a dreidel, there are a bunch of other Hanukkah-themed dog toys available.

Themed Menorah

An adorable way to honor your furry friend is by getting a themed menorah. There are plenty of animal-themed menorahs out there! You could also get a custom menorah in your dog’s likeness.

Hannukah is a time for the whole family to get together, including your pooch. Follow these tips for a dog-friendly Hannukah!