When Do Dogs Lose Their Puppy Teeth?

When Do Dogs Lose Their Puppy Teeth?

Did you know dogs have baby teeth? They’re called puppy teeth! Just like humans, dogs lose their puppy teeth as they get older. Please keep reading to learn all about dogs and their different teeth stages.

Puppy Teeth & Teething


As puppies grow, their adult teeth start to grow in, which is when dogs start teething. Teething manifests in many ways, such as chewing on toys, furniture, and even walls and flooring. Puppies actually begin teething around 3 weeks. After six weeks, all of their adult teeth should have come in, and all of their puppy teeth should have fallen out.

Where do puppy teeth go?

Puppy teeth often fall out on their own. Your furry friends will actually just safely swallow their own teeth while eating. Their teeth might also fall out while your pooch is teething or playing. Occasionally, your puppy will have some bleeding when teeth fall out. But it’s nothing to worry about. This bleeding is harmless and doesn’t cause your pup any pain.

Oral Care For Puppies

Dental Issues in Puppies

Some smaller dogs have issues with retaining their puppy teeth. While mostly harmless, in some situations, it can cause a misaligned bite. A misalignment can cause some discomfort and problems with eating. A misaligned bite can cause dental health issues in the future. Food can get caught in retained adult teeth, causing bacterial infections and gingivitis. So, to prevent these issues, you need to take care of your pooch’s teeth.

Teeth Cleaning

Teeth brushing is one of the best ways to care for your puppy’s teeth. The best time to start brushing your pooches’ teeth is when they’re very young. Try to brush your pup’s teeth either once a day or every other day. You can introduce the sensation of teeth brushing by sticking your finger in your pup’s mouth. Continue to incorporate this until you can brush your pup’s teeth.

Oral health is one of the most neglected parts of puppy care. If you have a puppy or are thinking about adopting a puppy soon, keep these tips in mind.