Why Does My Dog Lick Me?

Some dog owners love when their pet licks them while some others loathe it. Either way, you may have once questioned, ‘Why does my dog lick me?” Thankfully there are a few simple answers to this question!

Why Do Dogs Lick People?

To Show Affection

Oftentimes when your dog is licking you, it is to show you they love you! Many people equate a dog licking a person to the way humans kiss. They are showing you that they care about you!

While dogs will often lick naturally, it can become a learned behavior for them. If your dog licks you and then you smile at them, praise them, and pet them, they may learn that you like it and will do it again.

Also, when dogs are still little puppies, their moms will often lick them to groom them and show affection to them. They learn from this that licking is a way to show affection to dogs and people.

They Want Attention

When dogs get bored, they may lick you because they want your attention or for you to play with or pet them. They know that if they lick you, you will give them attention, which is exactly what they are seeking.

However, even a negative reaction from you can still cause them to lick. If you tell them “no” or gently push them away when they lick you, you are still giving them the attention that they want and they will continue to lick you.


Dogs are guided by their noses. This means that when something smells good to them, they want to taste it. You may notice your dog always tries to lick you when you step out of the shower, or maybe right after you finish working out. At times like these, they think you smell good and therefore think you must also taste good too.

When to Be Concerned About Licking

While your dog licking may be harmless, it can sometimes be for a deeper reason.

Behavioral Problems

Excessive licking could be an indicator of a larger problem happening with your dog. Even dogs can get anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and licking may be a coping mechanism to help them calm down.

If you notice other behavior signs in your dog that they may be suffering from anxiety or OCD, it is wise to call your vet for guidance. Here are some tips for ways to help an anxious dog.


If you notice that your dog is constantly licking or chewing on themselves, this may be due to some sort of allergy, either environmental or from food. They may be feeling itchy and are trying to soothe the itch by licking or biting.

If you think this may be the case, call your vet to help you get to the bottom of what may be causing the problem. Here is a list of common skin allergies and treatments in dogs.

Skin Conditions

If your dog is constantly licking themself in the same area, it may be due to an itch caused by a parasite or skin infection. If you think this may be the case, observe the area for signs of problems such as inflammation, redness, or infection.

Overall, if your dog is licking you a lot, it is probably just a sing that they love you and want your attention. However, if they are licking themselves excessively, it may be a sign of a deeper problem.