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Dental Hygiene Tips For Dogs

Dental Hygiene Tips for Dogs

Dental hygiene is an essential part of pet care. So, read below to learn about dental hygiene tips for dogs to keep your companion happy and healthy!

Brush Their Teeth

You may have already considered brushing your dog’s teeth to aid their dental hygiene. Some dogs enjoy brushing their teeth because the toothpaste is flavored beef or peanut butter instead of a strong mint flavor. You can use a baby toothbrush or fingertip brush to brush your canine’s teeth effectively. Refer to this blog post for step-by-step instructions for brushing your furry friend’s pearly whites. 

Use A Water Additive

Water additives are flavorless and are all about the same when it comes to what they do and how they work. The solution should be mixed with water and added daily to your canine’s bowl. Water additives help to freshen breath and kill bacteria that produce plaque. You should be able to notice an improvement in their puppy breath! 

Try Dental Powder

Dental powder, such as ProDen, contains probiotics that promote healthy bacteria in your companion’s mouth. At the same time, the powder fights and kills plaque-building bacteria. These powders are flavored and should be sprinkled on top of each of your pal’s meals to effectively remove and prevent plaque. 

Utilize Dental Treats

Dental treats are not only delicious but also prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Additionally, they help create a protective layer on your canine’s teeth to prevent bacteria from sticking to them. Dental treats should be used occasionally and as instructed on the package. The OraVet Dental Chews are a great option because they have the seal of approval from the Veterinary Oral Health Council for controlling tartar buildup. 

Schedule Regular Teeth Cleanings

Although you brush your teeth daily, you still require periodic dental cleanings. So, the same goes for your four-legged friend. Your vet will recommend when your canine needs a dental cleaning. Some pups need yearly cleanings, while others can go much longer between these visits. When the time comes, your dog will undergo general anesthesia so your vet can remove all the tartar and get those pearly whites to shine!

Follow the tips above to keep up with your furry friend’s oral health to minimize health problems and keep them happy and healthy!