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Different Styles of Dog Leashes

Are you ever overwhelmed by the numerous styles of dog leashes available? Read below for a guide on different styles of leashes!


Flat leashes are the standard style. They are commonly made of nylon or rope and can be thick, thin, long, or short. All of these features make it easy to find a flat leash that is the right fit for you and your companion. Additionally, they feature a metal clasp that clips to your furry friend’s collar. 

Rubber or Bungee 

Bungee leashes help protect you and your four-legged friend from the strain caused by pulling. This style of dog leash is popular among active dog owners. Additionally, this style is often designed to be hands-free. However, this style can give you less control over your companion and may encourage them to pull on the leash. 


The gentle lead is also known as a head collar and is a great option for dogs that pull a lot. This style of leash prevents pulling because your pal has a more difficult time pulling with their full weight. The lead loops around the neck, behind the ears, then over the muzzle. However, fitting this style properly can be difficult. And, the friction of the collar on the mouth can be uncomfortable. But, the style keeps the pressure off of your companion’s neck. 


Similar to a gentle lead, a harness helps reduce pressure on the neck. Instead, a harness distributes the pressure over the chest. This style can be a great option for dogs with tracheal problems and allows for easier breathing. Additionally, harness leads give you more control over your pup. But, friction can also be an issue with this style. 


Slip leashes are also good for training your pal not to pull on the leash. However, it is not ideal for long-term use after training. The leash works as a collar by pulling it through a metal ring and looping it around your pal’s neck. So, the more they pull, the tighter the collar becomes. Furthermore, you must ensure that the lead is positioned correctly to prevent choking. 


Similar to the slip lead, the martingale can be a leash and collar at the same time. You can tighten the lead to the exact size of your pal’s neck. This ensures your pal can’t slip out of the collar or pull too hard. So, it also prevents pulling behavior. 


A retractable leash allows your furry friend much more freedom. However, you also have the ability to restrict or release the length as you wish. However, the chord is usually thin and not ideal for strong and large dogs. And, when the leash is extended, can cause tangles with the extra leash, your furry friend, and whatever they get into. Additionally, it provides less control over your companion too. 

If you are looking for a new leash or are just curious about the available options, refer to our list above!