
These Products Will Keep Fido Cool All Summer Long

These Products Will Keep Fido Cool All Summer Long

Let’s dive in! Summertime is a season filled with sunny days and outdoor adventures, but it can also bring scorching temperatures that risk our beloved furry friends! Responsible pet owners must ensure our canine companions stay relaxed and comfortable during the hot summer. Keep reading for tips and a range of innovative and compelling products…

Why You Shouldn’t Shave Your Husky

With temperatures heating up, husky parents wonder if they can shave their husky to beat the heat. While shaving your Husky in the summer may seem like a logical way to keep them cool, it’s actually counterproductive and potentially harmful. Their double coat serves a vital purpose in protecting them from the elements and regulating…

Pain Management for Your Senior Dog’s Arthritis

Like humans, our dogs start going grey around the age of 7 (49 in dog years); around the same time, dogs also experience knee and hip pain like their pet parents. Awareness of Fido’s life stages is essential for pet parents to alter their pet’s activities and nutrition, supporting their aging bodies and immune systems….

The Best Crates for Every Dog Size

Picking a new crate for Fido is never easy! Our furry friends come in all shapes and sizes, so how do we find the perfect crate for them? Luckily, Amazon helps pet parents everywhere by sorting the options to your pup’s size and weight! This feature saves us hours of scrolling! Veterinarians recommend crate-training all…

Dog to Dog Resale Event

Sunday, April 16th 10am to 4pm benefiting Michigan Humane We are hosting an event open to the public to benefit Michigan Humane and anyone who has a dog has a chance to participate! The first 50 people to attend get a free gift. Everyone is eligible for raffle prizes. Donate or Sell items at the…


Puppies are fun and having one can be an incredibly rewarding experience. As trainers, we see new puppy owners come to puppy class with lots of questions and genuinely wanting to do the very best they can for their dogs. Sometimes, though, we hear different stories from people who are struggling with their dog’s separation…

Tips for Grooming Dogs with Anxiety

The easiest part about grooming your dog is booking the appointment! Once booked, it’s time to start mentally preparing your dog to be handled by a stranger with suspicious tools. Anxious dogs do not enjoy being without their owners, especially passed off to someone else, and they aren’t a fan of the buzz of the…

How to Stop Your Dog from Pawing at Things

Pet parents understand the struggle of a pawing dog; whether they paw at the door to go outside or at you for attention, it’s an annoying habit. Our dog’s nails can be sharp, leaving scratches on walls or our legs; however, we can re-teach Fido to not further these behaviors in the new year! Use…

DIY Christmas Cookies for Dogs

With Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to start planning our dessert spreads; pet parents, make sure to include a festive treat or two for Fido too! We found some of the best and easiest DIY cookie recipes for this holiday season! Our pets also get overwhelmed by the holiday festivities, so they deserve…

Tips for Traveling with Your Dog Over the Holidays

With the winter holidays coming quickly, it’s time to start prepping for traveling with your pet! Dogs need regular access to potty spots, water, and food throughout traveling, so pet parents must add several breaks to their travel time. If you’re planning for some cross-country or across-the-state adventures to grandma’s house, you’ll have to accommodate…