
Caring for a Puppy: A Full Guide

Bringing a new puppy into your home is not a small decision and can change everything about the way your home operates. However, if you know what to do, sending your dog on the right track to adulthood can be fun! 1. Choose the Right Puppy Do some research before bringing a puppy home on…

The Best Hairless Dog Breeds

The Best Hairless Dog Breeds

Whether you are allergic to dog hair or just looking for a unique breed, a hairless dog might be the perfect fit! Hairless dog breeds are relatively rare and have unique genes that cause their hair to be different. Some hairless dog breeds have little hair, while others have absolutely none. However, choosing the right…

Can You Fight for Custody Over Your Dog?

Can You Fight for Custody Over Your Dog?

Can your fight for custody over your dog? This concept might seem a little silly to some, but our furry friends are our family members. Here are some things to consider when considering fighting for custody over your canine companion. What the Courts May Consider When you are involved in a custody battle, the courts…

Dog Breeds That Need Big Yards

Dog Breeds That Need Big Yards

When a dog meets an open yard, they often take off running. Some dogs need a large yard more than others, though. Some furry friends are satisfied with a small patch, while others require an expansive yard to get all their jitters out. It turns out that the breed of dog often determines how big…