Dog-Proofing Your Halloween Decorations

The spooky Halloween season is one of the best of the year. Costumes, candy, and pumpkin carving all help us to get into the holiday spirit. And all of those decorations we put up every year never fail to get people excited for Halloween night. But did you know that those spooky decorations can actually be a danger to your pets?

Here are our tips for keeping your Halloween decor friendly for Fido.

Prevent Chewing

While we humans know that the decorations are not meant to be eaten, when something new appears in front of your pup’s face, their first instinct may be to chew it up or eat it. Obviously, decorations are not good for a dog’s tummy and could lead to some serious health problems.

To avoid the headache, just keep all of your decorations out of Fido’s reach so you can avoid a trip to the vet during the festivities.

When it comes to Halloween candy, there are many ways you can try to prevent Fido from getting a taste. Here are our tips for keeping Fido out of the Halloween candy.


While your freshly carved pumpkin looks amazing glowing in the night, a lit candle and a dog simply don’t mix. Opt for a battery-operated candle instead this year. It is safer for everyone and even has the added bonus of a timer. Some electric candles with timers you can set for when they turn on and off, so you don’t even have to think about lighting up your jack-o-lantern at night!

Electronics and Inflatables

All those super fun Halloween decorations that light up, make noise, or move are so fun and really spice up your yard. However, while we know that it’s just a decoration, your pooch might not. Those loud noises, flashing lights, and movements can cause a fight-or-flight response in your pet that could lead to aggressive behaviors or them trying to run away.

This means it’s probably best to avoid these decorations. However, if you can’t bear to part with your favorite electronic decoration, spend some time with your furry friend showing them what the decoration is and how it works so they can get used to it. Or, consider waiting until Fido is safely inside on Halloween night to put it up.

Watch Out for Other Animals

As people walk door-to-door trick-or-treating in their neighborhoods on Halloween night, many might bring their dogs along for the ride. This means that Fido could make a whole bunch of new friends in one night! However, if you’re dog doesn’t play well with others, get’s overly tired, or just meets an unfriendly dog, things could go south quickly.

For this reason, if you have your dog outside with you on Halloween, keep them on a leash so they can’t run off or try to attack, and keep an extra watchful eye on them when other dogs are around.

If you can remember to do these important things, you are sure to have a super spooky and fun Halloween night!