Health & Safety

Dog-Proofing Your Halloween Decorations

The spooky Halloween season is one of the best of the year. Costumes, candy, and pumpkin carving all help us to get into the holiday spirit. And all of those decorations we put up every year never fail to get people excited for Halloween night. But did you know that those spooky decorations can actually…

Why Does My Dog Love to Roll in the Grass?

Why Does My Dog Love to Roll in the Grass?

Many dog owners have seen their furry friends roll all over in the grass. Observing pups rolling in the grass is often seen as silly or random. But why do dogs really roll in the grass, and what does it mean? Why Dogs Roll in Grass There are a few reasons dogs roll around in…

Using Music to Calm Separation Anxiety

Using Music to Calm Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can be very serious and traumatic for dogs, especially dogs who have a past of being abandoned. They may feel like every time you leave them, that it’s for good. Even though you know this isn’t true, they don’t so a lot of dogs often develop some sort of separation anxiety. But there…

Hurricane and Pets: What To Do

Hurricane and Pets: What To Do

Hurricanes can be extremely serious and scary to go through, especially if you have a dog to worry about. Dogs can be affected severely by hurricanes, whether it’s from anxiety, homelessness, or trying to evacuate. Here are some tips on how to handle storm prepping for your dog and dealing with a hurricane. Pet Planning…

Does My Dog Need More Water?

Does My Dog Need More Water?

Since dogs are messy and inconsistent drinkers, it can be difficult to know how much water they are actually drinking each day. But how much water do they actually need? On average, dogs need about an ounce of fluids per pound of body weight. This can change if your dog is more active, lactating, or…

Should I Travel with a Dog Harness?

Should I Travel with a Dog Harness?

If you dog likes going for rides in the car you know that they are the best companies for road trips, they don’t fight with you over what you play on the radio and they probably won’t eat all roadtrip snacks as long as you pack their own. But just because they are cool being…

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

Did you know your dog should take in about 1 cup of water per 10 pounds of body weight. Dogs, like humans, need adequate water intake each day to stay healthy. Water regulates your dog’s body temperature, and aids digestion and waste removal. Encouraging your dog to stay hydrated will help prevent kidney problems, urinary…

Tips for Cooling Your Dog in the Orlando Heat

Tips for Cooling Your Dog in the Orlando Heat

The Florida heat is brutal, and it can be life threatening to not only humans but pets! We love to be outside to walk and play, but it’s important to be aware of what to do to keep our pets safe during the summer heat. Don’t leave pets outside for extended periods of time. Animals…

Protecting your Dog from Hot Pavement

Protecting Your Dog from Hot Pavement

By now, you’ve probably heard of using dog booties to protect your pup’s paws from rain, mud, snow, and cold. But what about for hot pavement? Turns out, dog booties are perfect for that purpose, too! Here are our recommendations for dog booties that will protect your dog’s paws from the dangers of hot pavement…

Car Safety Items for Your Dog

Car Safety Items for Your Dog

Many dogs love car rides. The wind blowing in their face, all of the new scenery out the window, and spending time with you — what more could our furry friends ask for? But some states are cracking down on how our dogs can ride in the car with us. New regulations on how secure…

Understanding the Dangers of Chocolate to Dogs

Understanding the Dangers of Chocolate to Dogs

It’s common household knowledge at this point — dogs should not be allowed to eat chocolate. While many pet parents are aware of this knowledge, most do not know why it is that chocolate is toxic to dogs. Why is it that chocolate is fine for us to eat but the same can’t be said…

Caring for Your Dog’s Stitches After Surgery

Caring for Your Dog’s Stitches After Surgery

Doggie surgery can be a tough and scary time for pets and pet parents alike. Even after the surgery is complete, your job isn’t over yet. Taking care of your dog after surgery is extremely important for them to heal properly, so you should do your best to listen to your vet’s advice and carefully…

Dog Emergency Veterinary Clinics in Orlando

Dog Emergency Veterinary Clinics in Orlando

Keeping your dog safe is always top-priority, so when it comes to doggie emergencies, you want to be able to act fast to get your loved one the treatment that they need. As such, it’s important to know the emergency veterinary clinics near you in Orlando. Read on to learn about dog emergencies and what…

Household Cleaning Products that are Safe for Dogs

Household Cleaning Products that are Safe for Dogs

Keeping a clean house can be difficult, especially when you have dogs! Owning a dog can also make it difficult to choose cleaning products, since many cleaning products are toxic for dogs. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of cleaning products that are pet-safe. Here are some safe, non-toxic cleaners: Baking Soda and Vinegar This…

Building Your Dog First Aid Kit

Building Your Doggie First-Aid Kit

As pet parents, we always hope for the best when it comes to our furry family members’ health and well-being. However, accidents can happen, so it’s important that you be prepared for the worst. You should always have a doggie first-aid kit on-hand at home and any time you travel. Here are some tips for…