Caring for a Puppy: A Full Guide

Bringing a new puppy into your home is not a small decision and can change everything about the way your home operates. However, if you know what to do, sending your dog on the right track to adulthood can be fun!

1. Choose the Right Puppy

Do some research before bringing a puppy home on what kind of dog is going to be right for you and your family. What size dog is going to suit you well? What energy level can you handle? How often are you willing to groom it? All of these are very important things to consider before deciding on the perfect dog.

2. Get Your Home Ready

Before people bring a baby home, they baby-proof their house and before you bring a puppy home, you need to puppy-proof your house.

What is going to be in your puppy’s sight line that they will want to play with? Put away all loose items such as shoes or children’s toys and make sure they can’t get into anything that will hurt them. Breakable items should be placed out of reach and you may need to install baby gates to keep your pet contained in certain areas.

3. Name Your Puppy

You can name your puppy whatever you want! However, remember that this is the name that you are going to call your pet forever, so pick something you like that will stand the test of time.

Choose names that are easy for your pet to understand and that doesn’t sound too similar to other commands you may be teaching your dog.

4. Stock Up On The Essentials

From the moment you come home, there are certain items your puppy will need, and some that would be helpful to have. These include:

  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Water Bowl
  • Food Bowl
  • Identification
  • Chew Toys
  • Dog Bed
  • Crate

5. Choose Your Puppy’s Food

Your puppy’s diet is very important and is usually different than that of a full-grown dog. Do some research and talk to your vet about what will be the right food for your dog.

6. Keep Them Healthy

One of the first things you’ll want to do with your puppy is to make sure they have a clean bill of health. Get them into the vet as soon as possible to start making a vaccination plan and get a check-up.

7. House Training

House training is another thing you’ll want to start working on immediately in order to not go crazy from all the potty accidents in your house.

To be successful, take your puppy out to do their business every 90 minutes to a designated puppy spot. They will quickly learn this is where they should go potty and will try to hold it until they get there.

During this process, remember to be patient and that accidents will happen but to just keep trying!

8. Basic Training

Having a trained dog is one of the best ways to maintain peace in your house. There are a few commands that every dog should know, not only for peace of mind but also for safety. Knowing to sit, stay, or respond to the word “no” is important in being able to control your pet in any situation.

Enrolling your pet in puppy training classes is a fantastic way to bond with your pet and allow them to see you as the person in charge. They will learn everything they need to know and will be well-trained!

9. Bond

With all of the other important things to remember when bringing a puppy home, it’s important not to forget the most important thing of all, bonding!

You just brought this animal into your home that is going to be a part of your family for many years so don’t forget to spend some time playing together, going on walks, and cuddling on the couch. Your puppy will love nothing more than spending time with their favorite people.