How to Stop Puppy Biting

Every puppy owner knows that puppy teeth are like 28 little razors. They are sharp and although they are small, they can do some serious damage.

While puppy teething is totally normal and good for their development, if you are tired of having your puppy tear up your fingers and toes, here are a few things you try.

Bite Inhibition

Learning bite inhibition means teaching your puppy the difference between play biting and biting that hurts. It is a training tool to help your dog learn how to regulate the force of its bite.

To teach your puppy bite inhibition, when they bite down too hard, yell a high-pitched “ow!” sound to let them know it hurts. However, if this has the opposite effect and makes them want to bite more quietly turn and walk away or put the puppy in the crate for a minute to calm down. If your puppy responds well, reward them with treats or praise.

Game Over

If your puppy tends to bite while you are playing with them, teach your pup that biting means playtime is over. To do this, when your puppy bites, turn and tuck your hands into your armpits so they can’t get to your fingers. This will send a calming signal to your pup and hopefully teach them to stop biting.

Alternative Items to Chew

When you have a nippy new puppy, try to keep a chew toy within arm’s reach at all times. This way when your dog starts getting nippy or you think they are about to start biting, you can give them the toy. This will teach them what is okay and not okay to bite.

Here are some recommendations of the best toys for teething puppies.

Quiet Time

Sometimes dogs may start biting if they are over-tired or need some time to rest. If you think this may be the case, give your dog the opportunity to take a nap or have some quiet time.

It could also be time to go potty, get some water, or have a snack.

What Not To Do

Something to remember during this face is not to yell at your puppy if they bite you. While a simple “ow!” can be effective, anything more than that may send the signal to your pup that biting gets a reaction out of you and they may continue to do it.

Also, never hit your dog, bite them back as this can lead to having a violent dog, and don’t use their crate as a punishment. This can make them not want to go in their crate when they need to and therefore they could cry or get aggressive.

Also, remember that most of the time, puppy biting is just a phase they will grow out of and some simple training can go a long way.