SIgns Your Dog is Jealous

Signs Your Dog is Jealous

Jealousy is one of humans’ worse qualities, but do our dogs exhibit the same tendencies toward jealousy? The jury is still out! On the one hand, behavior that could seem motivated by jealousy might just be assertive behavior to reach the top of the social hierarchy. However, we can’t infer what our furry friends are thinking, so we may never know if they’re actually jealous. Regardless, “jealous” behaviors are unwanted and unhealthy, and the following behaviors could be a sign of jealousy in your dog.

Crowding Your Space

One pretty big sign of jealousy in your dog is if they’re crowding your space. While this can sometimes be attributed to separation anxiety, if your dog is trying to get your attention by blocking what you’re doing or being destructive near you, this could mean that they’re jealous and want your undivided attention. If they sit up on their hind legs right next to you and paw at you, they could be jealous of the other activity that you’re engaging in. Try giving them some attention by petting them for a few minutes.


Aggression in the form of biting or nibbling an animal or person for attention is a pretty good sign that your dog is feeling jealous, especially if they do it after an attempt to engage the person or animal in a social interaction. If your dog becomes extremely aggressive in these situations, talk to your vet about possible solutions. However, some nibbling or pawing is not the end of the world, and this behavior is more common among puppies. Most dogs grow out of this behavior in their adult years.

Giving You Extra Attention

Sure, extra attention from your dog is endearing, but if they seem to stay very close to you in social situations and curl up close to you whenever they get the chance, this could be a sign that your dog becomes jealous when you direct your attention elsewhere. Like many other jealous behaviors, this could also be a sign of separation anxiety, so talk to your vet if their behavior becomes concerning. Your dog probably expects you to return their extra attention with extra attention toward them.

Going to the Bathroom Indoors

If your pet is well-trained and knows not to use the bathroom indoors, going to the bathroom indoors is a big red flag that your dog is jealous. Since dogs can’t communicate with us verbally, going to the bathroom inside is a way to get our attention and communicate that they’re upset about something. If they’re going to the bathroom in a place that they know that they shouldn’t be, your dog is probably trying to tell you something.

As dog owners, we want to do everything in our power to make sure our dogs are healthy and happy. If your dog continually displays jealous behaviors, you may consider retraining your dog or consulting your vet to learn about next steps. Be sure to give your pup all the TLC that you can! Our dogs deserve to know that we love and care for them.