10 Dog Safety Tips for 2021

10 Dog Safety Tips for 2021

As pet parents, the safety of our four-legged best friends is a high priority. That’s why we have created a list of the best safety tips for your pooch.

1. Keep your dog on a leash in public places

Even if your pooch is well-trained, you never know what could startle him or distract him. Dogs may be distracted by unexpected noises or activities or may be drawn to something further away from you.

2. Never allow your dog to wander off alone

There are many hazards that could await once your pet is away from your property or out of your sight. As an owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your pet stays where he or she is allowed to be.

3. Basic commands and obedience training

To ensure your dog is a good citizen and to keep him out of dangerous situations, it is extremely important that he learns to understand and obey certain basic commands.

4. Be aware that some foods are bad for dogs

Most people are aware that chocolate can be very harmful in certain quantities. Other foods that are potentially toxic to dogs include avocado, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, raw eggs, candy and anything with caffeine in it.

5.  Check the condition of all your pet’s toys

Make a point to regularly check your pet’s toys and look for wear and tear. Anything that’s cracked, splintered or ragged should be thrown away so it doesn’t become a choking hazard.

6. Your dog needs dental care, too

Just like you, your pet can suffer from gum disease, tooth loss, and tooth pain. And just like you, regular brushing and oral cleanings help keep your pet’s teeth strong and healthy.

7. Keep your dog mentally and physically healthy

Exercise! In order to stay healthy and fit, and to fight disease, dogs need both mental and physical stimulation on a daily basis.  A normal healthy dog will benefit from 2 exercise sessions a day.

8. Keep your dog safe with a GPS tracker

Lack of protection means that less than 20% of lost dogs are reunited with their owners. Tractive GPS Tracker helps families find their lost pets, no matter how far away they are.

9. Put away all dangerous, chewable items

If something is potentially dangerous for your pet to put in his or her mouth (wires, scissors, glue, medicine), move it to a higher elevation or put it in closet or drawer.

10. Make a dog first aid kit

Your kit should include the same kinds of things you would expect in a kit made for humans, such as gauze, medical tape, an antiseptic product, hydrogen peroxide, thermometer, your pet’s medical records and contact information for his or her vet and nearby emergency clinics.