Tips for Losing Weight with Your Dog

Tips for Losing Weight with Your Dog

Exercise can often come as a chore, as opposed to a fun experience. Have you thought about bringing your dog along? Not only can they help us develop more healthy routines, they can even help us make friends along the way. Check our the tips below and try to incorporate them in both your life and your dog’s.

Eat Throughout the Day

Experts recommend eating at regular intervals throughout the day. Eating more than three times throughout the day supports healthy weight by burning calories faster. This applies to dogs as well. It also aids in squashing those cravings for unhealthier foods, since you won’t find yourself quite as hungry when it comes time to eat.

Exercise Together

Dogs require regular exercise, so they naturally encourage our own movement. It’s very important to go at your own pace, or your dog’s own pace, whichever is slower. Don’t think this is limited to walks, runs, or playing fetch. Slightly more adventurous options include roller-blading, hiking, swimming, or doga, which is yoga with your dog. If you’re looking to really get out there, try kayaking, paddle boarding, or even agility, which offers lots of options for both you and your dog to exercise and excel. Be sure to choose an activity that fits you and your dog’s needs. For instance, if your dog has a flat face and has breathing issues, doga might be a more appropriate activity than long walks or runs. If you have joint issues, swimming might be better for you.

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

These are important when trying to lose weight, as they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber while being low in fat and calories.

Fruits that you can enjoy and share with your pooch include:

  • Blueberries
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Cantaloupe
  • Mango
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Oranges

Vegetables your dog will appreciate with you are:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Sweet potato

Be sure to follow any cooking preparation instructions that might be required for dogs, as some raw veggies can upset a dog’s stomach.

Avoid Junk Food

The method that seems to work the best for most people is complete avoidance. That means not even keeping your favorite snacks in the house. Find a healthier alternative to ease these cravings. The same goes for your pooch. Limit the table scraps and switch to some healthier treats, or share your own snacks with him if they’re dog appropriate.

Drink Water

Your goal should be to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, unless otherwise specified by your doctor. Drinking more water yourself might be a friendly reminder to check your dog’s water bowl more than usual to make sure it is fresh and full. Water also helps you feel more full, which will help prevent cravings and overeating.

Track your Journey

Fitness trackers are great for hitting step goals, heart rate goals, calorie tracking, and more! Not only can you track your own activity levels, there are trackers for dogs as well. Just like trackers for humans, many can track steps, sleep patterns, and heart rate. GPS tracking is an added bonus for those sneaky ones that like to go on solo adventures.

There have been many success stories of dogs helping humans overcome their weight management problems. They can make our lives much more rich, and turn a task like exercise into something much more enjoyable, and you might even find yourself looking forward to bonding with your pup!