Throw Away Your Dogs Toys When You Start Seeing This

Picking out safe toys for your furry friend is one thing, but, do you have some dog toys that don’t look as good as they were new? Read below to learn when to throw away dog toys.

When Should I Throw Toys Away?

You can visually see when it’s time to toss a toy. If you see rips in the seams or stuffing coming out, it’s time to get rid of the toy. Additionally, rubber toys should be thrown away once they rip or tear. Broken rubber toys can have sharp edges that can cause injury to your companion’s mouth or even stomach if they ingest the broken toy. There is no time frame for when to throw out a toy. Some dogs a rougher with their toys, causing them to not last as long.

When Should I Clean My Dog’s Toys?

It’s no secret that your furry friend’s toys see a lot of love and use. Also, they can become really dirty and hold a lot of germs. So, washing your companion’s toys two or three times a week with dog-safe detergent is recommended. That sounds like a lot! You can also have specific toys that are only used indoors or outdoors to help reduce cleaning. Additionally, you can put toys on rotation so you only have to wash all of the toys on laundry day. This means putting dirty toys in the hamper throughout the week and then replacing them with clean ones. Then, at the end of the week, they all get a good clean!

Can I Make Toys Last Longer?

Putting your dog’s toys on rotation will help keep them intact for longer. So, having a few toys available at a time will prevent you from having to throw them away or replace them as frequently. Additionally, keeping toys on rotation will give your pal something else to look forward to each week. However, if your pal has a favorite toy they find comfort in, you may consider letting them have access all the time.

Overall, just ensure that your companion’s toys are clean and free of tears or sharp edges. Being proactive will help keep your furry friend safe and happy!