
Tips for Finding a Dog That Fits Your Lifestyle

Adding a furry family member to your household is a big decision that you should definitely take time to think about. There are numerous variables you should consider when thinking about adopting a dog, and one of those is if Fido will fit your lifestyle. Evaluate How Much Time You Really Have Take some time…

dog getting its ears cleaned

How Do I Clean My Dog’s Ears?

Home grooming is one of the most essential parts of keeping up with your dog. Without proper maintenance, dogs can get sick or develop infections that lead to other problems. There are a few steps to follow when you clean their ears to ensure that you don’t harm them.  Gather Your Supplies Cleaning out ears…

Common Bath-Time Mistakes to Avoid with Your Dog

Bathtime is generally straightforward. You rinse, lather, repeat. Right? While that might be the process for human baths, doggie baths can be quite different. There’s no entirely right way to bathe your pet, but there are some pretty common mistakes you should still try to avoid. Letting Water Get in Eyes and Ears Water in…

Will Dog Phones One Day Be a Reality

As our technology progresses, so does dog tech. Today, we have GPS collars, RFID doggy doors, and more, but what about dog phones? Dr. Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, adjunct professor at the University of Glasgow, asked the same question and experimented to see how effective a dog phone would be. Her lab assistant: Zack, a 10-year-old labrador…

What is “Reverse Sneezing” in Dogs?

Paroxysmal Respiration, or “reverse sneezing,” is a condition in dogs during which they will rapidly inhale through the noise instead of exhale. It results in a snorting sound, which may be alarming to someone who might not know what’s happening.  Is It Dangerous? No. Reverse sneezing isn’t dangerous for dogs, and oftentimes won’t even phase…

Dog Toys for Aggressive Chewers 2021

Dog Toys for Aggressive Chewers 2021

If you’ve had your dog long enough, then you’ve probably taken notes of his chewing habits and how he treats his toys. If you notice that your dog has a habit of quickly destroying his things shortly after getting them, then it’s probably time to invest in something a little sturdier. Look into these toys…

How Dogs Improve Mental Health

Mental health can be affected by any number of things. Weather, malnutrition, stress, even sleep all eventually factor into your brain health, but did you know that owning a dog can help with that? Here’s how. It’s All in Your Brain Many mental health issues can be traced back to an over or under production…

2021's Best Dog Nail Grinders

2021’s Best Dog Nail Grinders

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, not all dog nail grinders are the same. You want the best for your furry friend, even it’s how their nails are trimmed. Going to a grooming salon can be expensive, so why not do it yourself? Getting a quality nail grinder is the key to success when trimming…

Dog-Friendly Summer Activities

Dog-Friendly Summer Activities

Summertime is perfect for exploring new activities and making memories with your favorite furry friend. But it’s easy to get into a slump on what to do with your pup, that’s dog-friendly. Of course there are the old-faithfuls like playing fetch, going on a hike, or taking a swim, but if you want to do…

Does My Dog Need Calcium Supplements?

Does My Dog Need Calcium Supplements?

Dogs get all of their vitamins and minerals through eating food that meets the AAFCO guidelines for their stage of life. However, some dogs have health conditions that lead to calcium deficiency. These dogs benefit from taking calcium supplements. Why Would My Dog Need Calcium Supplements? Certain illnesses or conditions result in the loss of…