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1201 W Commerce St, Dallas, TX 75208


How to Register a Service Dog: A Simple Guide

When looking to register a service dog, you have three options that will get you on the right path. So, read below to learn how you can register a service dog! 1)Government Requirements Many websites allow you to fill out a registration for your dog to become a service animal. However, the U.S. does not…

Types of Japanese Dog Breeds

Japanese dogs have unique behavioral traits than other dog breeds. There are six main breeds that are descendants of authentic Japanese breeds. Read below to learn more about them!  Akita Inu  The Akita Inu is the largest of the Japanese breeds as they are 24-28 inches tall and can weigh between 70-130 pounds. Additionally, they…

The Best Colors to Get Dog Toys in

You probably know that your four-legged friend perceives the world differently than you do. They see colors differently too. This affects what toys are best and which ones they are more likely to play with.  What Do Dogs See? You may have asked the question, “are dogs colorblind?” Well, the answer is they are not…

Dry Eyes in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Humans are not the only ones that can experience dry eye. Read below to learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of dry eye in your dog.  What Is Dry Eye? A dry eye is when your pal’s tear production is impaired. This leads to inflammation and mucous discharge. Tear production is important in protecting…

Should I Give My Dog Zinc?

You have probably been told to take plenty of vitamins and minerals. But what about your dog? What is Zinc? Zinc is a mineral that is important to both you and your dog. In your furry friend, zinc plays a role in enzymes, proteins, and hormones. Additionally, zinc is important for thyroid and immune system…

Dog-Friendly Trails in Dallas

Making sure your pup is getting enough exercise is important, but so is spending quality time with them. Below are some dog-friendly trails in Dallas so you can do both!  Kiest Park Trail This trail is a nice 2.2-mile loop that is an easy route and takes about 40 minutes to complete. Additionally, the trail…

Why Do Dogs Like to Lay in the Sun?

Have you ever wondered why your four-legged friend loves to find a sunny spot in the house or on the porch? Most pups love to sunbathe, and here’s why. Why Do Dogs Love The Sun? Dogs enjoy laying in the sun for the same reason we do: it feels good. Laying in the sun is…

A Guide to Dog Bed Shopping

Whether you have a new pup or are just looking for an upgrade, dog beds can be an overwhelming shopping task. Look no further! Below is a guide to shopping for a dog bed for your furry friend.  Does My Dog Need a Bed? While there is nothing better than snuggling with your pup, it…

My Dog Can Smell Time?

Your pooch can probably anticipate day-to-day events pretty accurately, from predicting when the kids or adults are about to come home to meal times. However, their sense of time can be complex. In other words, yes, dogs can “smell time.” What is Smelling Time? Though you experience your surroundings visually, pups notice shifts through their…

Why Do Dogs Cover their Faces?

Unfortunately, we can’t communicate directly with our dogs no matter how much we wish we know what they are saying. Because of this, our pups rely on body language to communicate how they are feeling to us. Here are some common reasons that your furry friend may cover their face.  An Itch Your pal may…

How to Stop Your Dog From Ripping Up Their Toys

There are a lot of expenses associated with owning a dog – the toy bill is one of them. But, how do you stop your dog from ripping up their toys? If Fido’s destructive habits have been hurting your pockets lately, it’s time to start taking preventative measures. Training This might be a weird suggestion…

dog laying next to owner as owner does yoga

Calm Dog Breeds

Dogs can provide all kinds of support, from emotional to physical. They provide comfort and a sense of home for older owners but can be hard to keep up with in the energy department. Suppose you’re looking for a calm companion for your older relative or prefer a more peaceful furry friend yourself. In that…

Check Out These Dallas Dog Bakeries

We all wish we could share many joys in life with our best friends. Unfortunately, there are limitations to where a dog can go. However, some extraordinary people out there work hard to make sure our pets can enjoy the finer things in life. If you live in the Dallas area, these dog bakeries can…

Is Bone Broth Safe for Fido?

Bone broth can be a great addition to various dishes across your recipe book, but what about your dog’s? As with most human food, we have to pay close attention to the ingredients of what we serve our pets to avoid any accidental damage to their internal organs.  What’s Bone Broth? Bone broth is made…

What Do Dog Sleeping Positions Mean?

Have you ever wondered why your dog sleeps the way it does? Well, sleeping positions can indicate a variety of things, personality- and relationship-wise. Here are the most common dog positions, and what they mean. Curled into a Ball This is probably the most common sleeping position in dogs, and you’re very likely to have…