
sit means sit

From Our Las Vegas Facility

WAY TO GO CLIENTS, DOGS, & TRAINERS.  THE SIT MEANS SIT SYSTEM FOR TRAINING WORKS ACROSS THE BOARD! Las Vegas had a CGC and TD test at their facility this past Saturday.  Below is an e-mail they received from the evaluator they hired.  She was impressed by our clients! “Hi Lianne, Saturday was great, thank…


GREAT PRESS FOR OUR OHIO PARTNER, PAUL.  WAY TO GO, PAUL & ROXY. http://pets.ohio.com/2009/11/collar-is-trainers-instrument-to-create-harmony-for-owners-dogs/

Sit Means Sit, Denver, Obedience Testimonial

Our two Jack Russell Terriers (Rascal and Cruiser) were quite a handful. We got them when they were 8 weeks old, and had spent a lot of time training them inside the house, and for the most part, they were great at listening. When we would take them anywhere outside of the house (ie walks,…

SMS-Denver Obedience Training with Misty Snow & Jay Willey

I’m MISTY SNOW; an American Eskimo canine who up until the time I turned 9 years old was a rather temperamental brat. I only would let four people touch me. All others were in danger of being bit. I considered the Mail person my mortal enemy, just a little ahead of the UPS guy, and…

Denver Obedience Training

Debbie was in the office last week & her dogs are doing great. This testimonial tells their story. March 14, 2008 Dear Anthony, You saved my life. I don’t know how to possibly thank you. You told me it would happen, I would actually gain control of my dogs! When I met you I was…

Sit Means Sit Denver Client Testimonial

Below is a terrific testimonial on behalf of Joson, a rescue dog. Owners, Troy and Shelly, have done a great job of following through and taking advantage of our lifetime group classes. They’ve really achieved the relationship we all hope for when we add an animal to our family! Congratulations you guys, we’re glad we…

Denver Dog Obedience Training Client Testimonial

This is a recent testimonial that came to Sit Means Sit Denver from a client named Pete along with his dog, Keala. As you’ll read, Keala was exhibiting some significant aggression when Pete came to us and now with his continued effort and taking advantage of our lifetime group classes, they are both enjoying their…

Colorado Petfitters Client Appreciation Day 12/14/07

People often ask what I feed my dogs when they see my super healthy 9 year old. I’ve been going to see Chad and Emily at Colorado Petfitters since 1998! They opened their first store in the University of Denver area and now have another location downtown. They offer tons of outdoor gear, a pet…

Sit Means Sit Alumni 2007

Here is a video of Sit Means Sit trainers and their dogs.