
lady cuddling with her dog

Benefits of Sleeping in Your Bed with Fido

If you grew up with a dog, then you’ve probably been told not to let your pet sleep in the bed with you. “They’ll bring fleas into your covers,” your mom warns. Believe it or not, there are actually a few benefits to letting Fido sleep with you.  It Reduces Depression When we cuddle with…

Keeping Your Senior Dog Mentally Sharp

Aging is a natural, bittersweet process that happens to everyone, even your dog. As you age, it’s essential to maintain healthy functions by exercising parts of your body that you might not have previously paid attention to. For dogs, this can mean keeping a sharp mind, which you can do in several ways. Brain Food…

First-Year Milestones You Can Celebrate with Fido

Raising a dog can be just like raising a child, and just like with children you’re probably tempted to celebrate every milestone ever. If you’re new to dog ownership then it can be complicated figuring out what milestones are worthy of a party and which aren’t. Here are some first-year milestones you shouldn’t be scared…

Calming Music for Dogs

When you leave your dog home alone you might be tempted to leave a TV show on so that they can stay distracted. We’re sure you’ve wondered whether or not that’s worked, but have you ever wondered about music? We know. Music for dogs sounds crazy, but there have been quite a few studies done…

Tips for Removing the Smell from Your Carpet

Tips for Removing Accident Smells from Your Carpet

It happens. No matter how young or old your dog is, accidents will happen. It’s nature. It’s easier for us to use the restroom because we have a designated spot and can get rid of it. Dogs rely on us to be taken out, which can be difficult if we are gone for long periods…

Easy Pumpkin Recipes for Dogs

Easy Pumpkin Recipes for Your Dog

You and your dog probably have a lot in common. You probably didn’t expect that loving pumpkin flavored things was one of them. If you find yourself in pumpkin spice season, don’t forget your best friend. Here are some easy pumpkin recipes that are safe for your dog. Remember, these ingredients are people-safe, too, so…

Will My Dog Get Separation Anxiety When I Go Back To Work

Will My Dog Get Separation Anxiety When I Go Back To Work

As people head back to jobs and start getting out again, a lot of things will take some getting used to. There will probably be some culture shock, not only to us humans but for our pets, as well. Our animals have gotten used to us being home almost every day all week for the…

Are Frozen Treats Safe for Dogs?

Are Frozen Treats Safe for Dogs?

Often in drive-thrus people are offered “pup cones” or some sort of sweet treat for their dog. They are often not bad, but dogs are intolerant to dairy products. There are several reasons to avoid feeding your dog ice cream, frozen yogurt, and popsicles while other frozen treats are out there that can be safely…

2021's Best Dog Treats

2021’s Best Dog Treats

Dog treats are one of the best tools for positive reinforcement, whether it’s for training purposes, affection, or playing! Treats show your pup positive appreciation for their actions and rewards good behaviors. Dog treats can impact not only your relationship with your pooch but their behavior as well. Your dog’s dental health is also an…

Why Isn't My Dog Eating

Why Isn’t My Dog Eating?

Usually your pooch has a hefty appetite, sometimes even begging for handouts. But when you start to notice your dog not eating, it can be really concerning. There’s a lot of different reasons your pup won’t eat, but it’s important to find out exactly why so you can get a treatment plan set quickly. It’s…

Why Do Dogs Sneeze?

Why Do Dogs Sneeze?

It’s no surprise that a dog’s biggest superpower is their keen sense of smell! They use their noses for almost everything, it’s how they interpret the world around them! And because their noses are such a huge part of how they sense things, they of course sneeze, just like us. Dogs are extremely sensitive to…

Tips for Walking Dogs in the Rain

Tips for Walking Dogs in the Rain

It’s time for your dog’s favorite part of the day. It’s time to go on a walk! Today is like any other day except for one major detail. It’s raining. How will you be able to give your dog an opportunity to exercise or use the bathroom while it’s raining? The answer is simple: Go…

Tips for Dog Owners with Picky Pups

Tips for Dog Owners with Picky Pups

Sometimes it can feel like there are either dogs who will eat just about anything you hand them and others who are absolute snobs when it comes to what they put in their mouth. If you have a pooch that sounds like the latter, you know that mealtime can sometimes be extremely frustrating. To help…

Dog First Aid Kit

Do I Need a Dog First Aid Kit?

Emergencies can happen at anytime, and you should always be prepared. A first aid kit for your dog can make a huge difference in a dire situation. You can purchase a kit and add to it, or make one from scratch it. The recommended items to include are: Scissors Tweezers Tick remover tool Ear wash…

The Healing Power of Dogs

The Healing Power of Dogs

Therapy dogs serve as professional comforters to those who need them most. And after the horrific shooting that occurred in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, there was an abundance of children and adults who needed comfort and care that these professionally trained therapy dogs were ready to provide. Read on to find out…