Protecting your Dog from Hot Pavement

Protecting Your Dog from Hot Pavement

By now, you’ve probably heard of using dog booties to protect your pup’s paws from rain, mud, snow, and cold. But what about for hot pavement? Turns out, dog booties are perfect for that purpose, too! Here are our recommendations for dog booties that will protect your dog’s paws from the dangers of hot pavement in the summer time.

Lonsuneer Boots

With a non-slip bottom made of neoprene, these boots were designed for your dog to walk comfortably and confidently on all kinds of terrain – pavement, dirt, rocky trails – you name it, and these boots can handle it! They also consist of mesh fabric, which will keep your dog’s feet nice and cool, even on hot days. The neoprene material also helps keep paws dry on rainy days. These boots were truly designed to do it all!

My Busy Dog Boots

These shoes are designed to protect your pup’s paws from hot pavement and sharp objects that could endanger their feet. With an anti-slip sole, your dog will have traction and stability to trek around all summer. Plus, the boots are water-resistant to keep your dog’s paws dry if you get caught outside in bad weather. They also come with reflective accents that will keep you visible for evening walks.

RuffWear Grip Trex 

These dog shoes are some of the most durable out there – made for hiking rough terrains, you can count on these dog booties to keep your doggo’s feet covered on hot summer days. With breathable mesh, your pup’s paws will have plenty of ventilation to keep cool on hot days. They also include velcro, which will help them stay put on your dog’s paws.

Canine Equipment Boots

These dog shoes double as summer shoes and winter shoes. Perfect for hot pavement or icy trails, Canine Equipment Boots are a solid choice for your doggo to stay protected all year long. The soles are made from recycled rubber, making them eco-friendly and perfect for traction and protection. This also means that the soles are waterproof for protection from soggy paws.

QUMY Boots

These boots have a non-slip bottom that helps your dog maintain stability and traction, even on tough surfaces. They are also made of water-resistant material that will keep your pup’s paws nice and dry even on wet days. Shoes protect from hot pavement, cold climates, and sharp objects. The perfect punch for dog shoes!

These boots were made for walking…and protection, and comfort, and all kinds of other things. Use this helpful guide for your next purchase of shoes for your favorite doggo. Hot pavement can be a real hazard, and dog booties are a great way to keep your dog’s paws safe and sound. Happy trails!