Why Does My Dog Love to Roll in the Grass?

Why Does My Dog Love to Roll in the Grass?

Many dog owners have seen their furry friends roll all over in the grass. Observing pups rolling in the grass is often seen as silly or random. But why do dogs really roll in the grass, and what does it mean?

Why Dogs Roll in Grass

There are a few reasons dogs roll around in the grass.

The grass is covered with different scents such as those from other animals, humans, and the environment. One reason dogs roll in the grass is that they try to mask their smell. This habit comes from dogs’ ancestors trying to hide their odors to hunt their prey better.

Another reason our furry friends roll in the grass is because they want to mark their own scent. They want to mark their environment as their own, the same way they would for a new dog bed or toy.

Finally, it likely feels good for dogs to roll around in the grass.

Is My Dog Rolling in Grass Because of an Allergy?

Dogs also might be rolling on the grass wbecause they have an allergy-related itch. If your dog has an allergy, they are likely moving in the grass to scratch and soothe the irritation. It is likely an allergy if there are other signs of an allergy, such as redness, swelling, skin hives, sneezing, or irritation. You should make an appointment with a veterinarian if there are signs of an allergy.

How to Stop Dogs From Rolling in Grass

By giving your dog proper training, you can stop them from rolling in the grass. Contact Sit Means Sit to receive excellent training services for your furry friend.