Should I Travel with a Dog Harness?

Should I Travel with a Dog Harness?

If you dog likes going for rides in the car you know that they are the best companies for road trips, they don’t fight with you over what you play on the radio and they probably won’t eat all roadtrip snacks as long as you pack their own. But just because they are cool being quite in the back seat doesn’t mean you should ignore their safety. Just like humans they need something to secure them like we have our seatbelts. Dogs are just as likely to be hurt during a car accident as humans, especially if they aren’t secured during an accident.

Dog Safety Harness

Make sure your dog is safe every time you drive with them, some states even have laws preventing driving with unrestrained dogs in your vehicle. As of 12/16/20 Florida is one of the states considering legislation, see the interactive map here to stay up to date on the laws of states you plan to drive in. A dog harness may save your dogs life if an accident were to occur, they also prevent your dog from jumping to the front seat or out the window! Here are some thing to consider when looking for a dog safety harness:

  • Crash-Test Certified

    • When considering a safety harness, knowing how it will stand up in an accident can help to give you peace of mind. Harnesses that have been certified for their crash test safety may be more expensive but could be worth the investment. Here is a list of certified harnesses by the Center for Pet Safety.
  • Seat Belt Attachment

    • Make an informed purchase when considering the price of the harness, some of the harnesses include a seat belt attachment while others you will have to purchase them separately.
  • Harness Sizing

    • Finding the right size for your dog will be important in the effectiveness of the harness. Take measurements of your dog’s chest, neck and length rather than solely basing it off your dogs weight to ensure a good fit. Here is a guide on how to measure your dog for a harness.
  • Harness Comfort & Construction

    • Does the harness have padding or cushioning to prevent chafing? Is it durable to hold up to years of use? Does the harness include a lifetime warranty? You may need to try a few harnesses to find the right one, ordering on places like Amazon that has free returns may be a good way to try to find the best harness for your dog.

Important Safety Note:

Dog car harnesses should only to be used under the supervision of you or another adult. DO NOT leave your dog alone strapped into the car, if left alone your dog could become entangled in the harness or seat belt causing them to injure themselves.