Tips for Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

Did you know your dog should take in about 1 cup of water per 10 pounds of body weight. Dogs, like humans, need adequate water intake each day to stay healthy. Water regulates your dog’s body temperature, and aids digestion and waste removal.

Encouraging your dog to stay hydrated will help prevent kidney problems, urinary tract infections, and other health issues.

1. Provide more water bowls

You should keep a water bowl both outside and inside. You can also keep water bowls in numerous rooms in the house.

2. Add water to your dog’s food

You can add water to any type dog food: kibble, canned, or even homemade and commercial raw. You can soak kibble in water and keep it in your fridge for up to three days.

3. Make doggy ice pops

Some dogs aren’t interested in water, but love licking ice cubes. You can make iced treats by freezing blocks of water, or even mixing in a smoothie, low-sodium broth or other flavor additives before freezing. A silicone ice tray can make perfectly portioned ice treats.

4. Wash water bowls daily

Some dogs will drink out of mud puddles, while others will avoid a slight murky bowl.

5. Offer water from your hand

If they’re refusing to drink out of their travel bowl, your dog might lap up a small amount of water from your cupped hand.

What are some of your favorite ways to ensure your pup is hydrated? We would love to hear from you.