Using Music to Calm Separation Anxiety

Using Music to Calm Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can be very serious and traumatic for dogs, especially dogs who have a past of being abandoned. They may feel like every time you leave them, that it’s for good. Even though you know this isn’t true, they don’t so a lot of dogs often develop some sort of separation anxiety. But there are ways to reduce this anxiety for dogs. Music can help soothe them and get them into the routine of you leaving them alone.

Choose The Right Music

Some people may just leave the radio running and hope for the best, but dogs have a different way of processing music than we do. They hear frequencies at different levels than humans, so 8 hours of pop music may not be the best idea for soothing anxiety. Dogs will appreciate you playing music that is pleasing to the tones and pitches they hear best.

Whatever your preferred music platform is, you can find music designed for doggie listeners. For example, try Canine Lullabies, available on most music streaming services or on CD! Music made for dogs will having a relaxing tone and peaceful melodies to soothe even the most anxious pups.

Peaceful music helps soothe separation anxiety by calming down a dog, preventing unwanted barking or whining, and reducing hyperactivity (out of boredom or anxiety). A good-quality speaker that won’t pop or have loose wires for your dog to chew on is best!

Classical Music, Doggie Beethoven?

Classical music can put a lot of humans to sleep, so will it do the same for dogs? Well, according to studies, classical music does help put dogs to sleep, reduce separation anxiety, comfort, and calm their demeanors. Classical musical doggie listeners also rest and bark less than dogs who don’t, which is perfect if your pooch is suffering from fits of anxiety!

Howl It Out

Dogs howl for a variety of reasons, but some say it’s the dog version of singing. Dogs often howl as a response to different pitches, usually high. This can be out of irritation (with high-pitched alarms or sirens) or from enjoyment. Some dogs also just simply howl out of boredom, either way, music will help calm the howls to a minimum.