Health & Safety

Hungry All the Time?

Hungry All the Time?

You may wonder why your dog acts hungry all the time, even though you feed him a generous amount. The answer is, no one really knows. Some experts believe it is linked to how early wolves domesticated themselves by scavenging leftover scraps at human camps. Instinctually, dogs learn the concept of scarcity and food being…

Fall Safety for Dogs

Fall Safety for Dogs

With fall right around the corner, it’s important that we know how to keep our pups safe during the upcoming season. 1. Beware of anti-freeze  Ingesting anti-freeze can be lethal for both dogs and cats. Unfortunately, animals have been known to lick this sweet tasting substance. Make sure to check your car for leaks and…

Tips to Prevent Your Dog From Escaping Your Yard

Tips to Prevent Your Dog From Escaping Your Yard

In order to keep our pups safe in our yard, there are a few steps you need to take. We have created a guide to prevent your dog from escaping your backyard. Remove all climbable objects in your yard. If there is a chair or a table next to the fence, it’s best to remove…

Protecting Your Dog From Snake Bites

Protecting Your Dog From Snake Bites

It’s summertime and hot weather is prime time for snake activity. It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 venomous snakebites that occur in dogs and cats every year with a mortality rate of 1% to as high as 30%.  We want to make sure you know how to keep your pets safe from…

Dog Mouthwash – How to Keep Your Pet’s Breath Fresh

Dog Mouthwash – How to Keep Your Pet’s Breath Fresh

We love our furry friends unconditionally, but sometimes their breath can be, well, not the most pleasant. If you’re like most dog owners, you’ve probably searched far and wide for a solution to your dog’s stinky breath. Good news – the search ends here! Here are our tips on reducing smelly dog breath. Good Breath…

Tips for Finding a Lost Dog

Tips for Finding a Lost Dog

The panic that onsets when you lose your favorite furry friend is terrifying and can lead to confusion surrounding the next steps to take to find them. If you do end up losing your dog, try to remain calm and follow these steps to make sure that you can find them as soon as possible….

Dog Poisons Often Found in Homes

Dog Poisons Often Found in Homes

We all know that puppy-proofing the home means keeping shoes out of the way, doors locked, and furniture covered. However, more important than making sure that your dog doesn’t tear up your underwear is making sure that they don’t get into something that could be toxic or life-threatening. As a dog owner, you should know…

The Importance of Therapy Dogs in Schools

The Importance of Therapy Dogs in Schools

Therapy dogs are an excellent form of comfort for children and adults alike, but they are especially equipped to provide support for students stressed out in school. The dogs can reduce stress and enhance social interactions for students, and they are relatively inexpensive preventative measures to take for treatment purposes. What are Therapy Dogs? When…

Does My Dog Need Probiotics?

You’ve probably heard all of the talk about probiotics in recent years, but are they really all they’re made out to be? Probiotics are good for our guts, but what about our dogs? Do these live microorganisms benefit them, as well? We have all the answers to your questions about probiotics for dogs. Read on…

Rainy Day Safety for Dogs

Rainy Day Safety for Dogs

Rain can ruin all kinds of plans – picnics, beach days – even days when you’re stuck inside are worse when it’s rainy, especially for our canine companions! While your dog may be itching to get outside despite the poor weather, it’s important that you exercise some precaution when letting them outside in the rain….