This is a video clip of Toni Drugmand and her great little dog Stuff from our Phoenix Dog Training location. This was a recent trial where they had both tunnels and weaves/tunnels. Little Stuff actually came in first place in all 4 of the events that he entered on this day, and all 4 runs are caught on this video. Toni Drugmand is one of the world’s leading authorities on teaching remote collar use to agility dogs. The Sit Means Sit method of dog training has tremendous obvious advantages in anything that is an off-leash event, and being able to quickly refocus your dogs to a variety of obstacles and have them pay attention, but yet with speed and enthusiasm is what makes Toni’s dogs always fun to watch, and makes her remote training in this sport amongst the elite. Toni Drugmand, along with Fred Hassen actually conducted the very first remote collar seminar ever done in the United States a few years ago exclusively for agility dogs. Stuff has been on a remote collar since he was about 9 weeks of age. To find out more about remote collars for agility dogs, and Sit Means Sit remote collar training in Phoenix Arizona, you can contact Toni Drugmand at To keep up with the latest in Sit Means Sit dog training advancements throughout the world, stay informed with our free newsletter at
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