What Are Dog Sound Machines & How Do They Help?

Does your pup sleep with you and jump at every bump in the night? Or do they anxiously wait for your arrival from work and bark at every car door shutting they hear? White noise machines are a great way for pet owners to soothe their less than restful dogs.

Whether your pooch is a scared howler of celebratory fireworks or just doesn’t fair well with outside noises, a white noise machine can be the perfect solution for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

Masks Noises For Less Barking

If you live in a neighborhood, you can likely hear your neighbors at some point of the day. Dogs have a keen sense of hearing so they are more than aware of what your neighbors are doing outside, which can cause them to bark. A sound machine will help drown out outside noises like children playing, cars, mail delivery, etc., especially if you keep your pooch in their own area with the white noise!

Soothe Your Pup With Comforting Sounds & Frequencies

If your dog is afraid of thunderstorms, you likely have experienced how much anxiety they get during storm rumbles. White noise can help drown out the storm and allow your pup to focus on the relaxing sounds of the machine. White noise sounds are shown to reduce anxiety in pups and humans!

Masks Noises From Other Animals

Dogs can easily get stimulated by the sounds of other animals, whether this is inside your home or not. White noise can help to ease overstimulation from other animals that may cause anxiety, barking, whining, scratching, etc. It can even help distract your furry friend from what they were so entranced by and bring them back to the relaxed state they were in with the white noise.

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